Saturday, January 26, 2008


elliotandterry, originally uploaded by shimomatic.

Here we are visiting Terry and George in San Luis Obispo, California. There are many more pics of this event and others like it on my flickr site. I've decided it's a whole lot easier putting things on Flickr than constantly updating this darned blog.

Here's the link.

Public Health campaign

Public Health campaign, originally uploaded by shimomatic.

Abstinence is the only policy. Look what can happen if you don't read this sign. Look!


Groucho, originally uploaded by shimomatic.

Elliot: "I know we're jews, but this is ridiculous"

In a Box

In a Box, originally uploaded by shimomatic.

Elliot is drawn to boxes like Tom Cruise is drawn to weird alien folklore.

Family portrait

Family portrait, originally uploaded by shimomatic.

Hey, this was taken with my camera's timer. And everyone is centered. I'm impressed.

new sweater

new sweater, originally uploaded by shimomatic.

Doesn't get more angelic than this. Well, sure it does, but this is a good pic anyway.

Elliot in Cabinet

Elliot in Cabinet, originally uploaded by shimomatic.

This is the cabinet where the TV used to be. Elliot made himself at home.