Sunday, October 29, 2006

Mildly Amused

We bought Elliot a new toy - it's kind of like a Coney Island for babies. It has shopping, movies, amusement, voyeurism, and perhaps even a little theater. Surely, we thought, Elliot will find back-to-back hours of amusement in this thing. In practice, after thirty minutes of absolute thrill, the mood turned to mild amusement. As you can see in this video - it's as if he's just smiling so we don't feel bad.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Grandparents' Visit

It's always a treat when the grandparents come out to visit. They stopped over to see us on their way back from Deutschland. Actually, they stopped over to see Elliot. It seems as though we've merely become conduits for our child. Take this blog for instance - you don't read it to see pictures of me do you? no. It's all about the ol' boy. Granted, he's a lot cuter than his old man. But, I can type faster than he can. So, there.

There they are sitting on the chairs we keep around in our backyard - well, it's the cemetary, but sometimes I think it's our backyard. Izzy poos in there enough for us to call it our own. They didn't sit for long. In no time, we went off apple picking and pumpkin sitting. Here's Elliot sitting on his favorite squash.

Any time we weren't grabbing for fruit or vegetables, Mary Ann took it upon herself to hold on to the bean. And the bean was loving it. Here he is practicing his boxing moves with grandmother. She really wants him to be a boxer - don't ask me why.

'steen was pretty happy to have her mom in town. Here they are pretending to like each other for Elliot's sake. It looks like he's buying it.

Sadly, the grandparents left. So, to make Elliot feel better, we bought him a new hat. Our parenting philosophy is that you can cover up all wounds with a fashionable hat. We learned that from Dr. Laura.

Here it is again. The hat is irresistable. You really can't try to resist this hat.

And if that weren't enough, here he is in a cartigan vest. He really is like a little doll. I'm proud of myself when I can dress him well. Ah, the small victories of parenting are as grand the greatest victories of nations. Only when I win, I get a cute picture as a reward. What do you get if you win a war but a few new lines on a map.

Leaving Fall

Every walk, every drive is a treat, because each time I leave the house, the landscape has changed just a little more.

It would seem as though Elliot has found a certain enthusiasm for the changing seasons already.

Fall is about hats

Fall is here. The leaves are turning colors, the weather has turned, and we set out to explore our options in hats. Here's Elliot trying to find something to match his mood.

And speaking of hats, here's a crane we saw in the park. Even the birds take this time of year to put on funny hats.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Elliot's Bounce

Elliot has discovered the beauty of bouncing on the bed. Have we created a monster? Perhaps.