Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Birthday in Baltimore

The thing about babies is that it's not convenient for them to be away from their mothers for too long. So, because Justeen had to give a talk at a conference in Baltimore, the whole family tagged along. I was on Elliot duty while Justeen said smart stuff to people, and Elliot was on Daddy duty. The great thing about conferences is that they really are just excuses to travel places. In fact, the whole family, Justeen included, spent a bunch of time tooling around town. But before we get to the Baltimore pics, here's Elliot in his monkey chair.

Only days after Elliot's monkey encounter, the beans got on a plane to Baltimore. In only about an hour we arrived in "Charm City" and Elliot was ready to enjoy some summer fun. He put on his pants and his shades and strolled around the Inner Harbor looking for chicks.

He found one. But it turned out to be his mother. Ah, so Freudian.

After many hours of walking around, we all got on the water taxi and made our way around the harbor. This was Elliot's first time on a boat (can you believe it? 4 months old and never on a boat.)

Speaking of 4 months - as it turns out, Elliot turned that ripe ol' age while we were there. So, in honor of his geriatric feat, we all went on a merry-go-round. I think this was the fastest carousel I've ever experienced. I thought I was going to spit up. By the end of the ride, we were all putting our fists in our mouths.

long time gone

Quite a bit of time has passed since my last post. I'm finding it increasingly difficult to find the time to get the word about Elliot out. But, this does not mean I intend to stop. It only means I intend to be more diligent. So, quite a lot has happened since our Father's Day excursion to Cape Cod. Elliot has been growing like a wild fire. He went to the doctor yesterday and the official word on his weight is 19.6 pounds. That is literally off the charts. He was in the 97 percentile, which was the highest line on the chart. Now, he was plotted above that point. I think he just might be the biggest baby in all of history. I mean, with such a burly father, it's no wonder he's so massive.

Sometimes he gets so tired carrying around his girth that he just falls asleep. Here he is taking a nap while eating his lunch. Notice how he's managed to keep the bottle in his mouth even without consciousness. What a talented little tyke.

Here he is sleeping after a long walk in his double stroller. What you can't see is that Ella is sitting behind him (also asleep).

After a quick cat nap, the little bean is awake and trying out his new tricks. Just last week, he rolled over onto his stomach. He looks so proud once he's done it. In the picture below, I think he's trying to figure out why the world is upside down from its usual appearance.